• 2011 Nordic Marine Insurance Statistics Reports

    Calm before the storm...?

    Ultra large claim defies conclusion

    2011 concludes a 3-year period of relative benign clam frequencies and severity after the costly 3-year period from 2006 to 2008. While the 2012 Costa Concordia claim makes it difficult to project claims trends into the future, the 2011 reports give good insight into recent hull claims trends in the wake of the financial and economical crisis. In the 2011 NoMIS reports for Ocean and Coastal Hull, detailed claims trends are made available per vessel type, age group, size group and for other subportfolios. 

    The 2011 Cefor Annual Report

    Underlying data for the 2011 Cefor Annual Report

    Press Release

    The 2011 Cefor NoMIS Ocean Hull Report

    The 2011 Cefor NoMIS Coastal Hull Report

  • Cefor Hull Claims statistics from the NoMIS database as per 30 June 2011


    Cost of nautical-related marine claims back to high levels in 2011. The Cefor Claims Update Fact Sheet with the most recent update on hull claims trends as of June 2011, showing the latest development in insured values, claims frequency, repair costs and the impact of major claims and total losses on the global hull market. 

    Press release 31 August 2011


    Claims Hull Update as of June 2011