• 2022 Hull trends - moderate increase indicates return to pre-pandemic activity

    Cefor released its 2022 hull trends based on data as per 31 December 2022. Highlights are: Claims trends continued to be benign but moderate increase reflects return to pre-pandemic activity level. Record-low major claims impact. Serious fires occured but with less impact on hull costs that in the preceding years.  Container vessels continued to show extraordinary value increases also on 2022 renewals but flattening out during second half year.  are the only large segment with an increase in...

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  • 2022 Half-year hull trend report

    Contents: Vessels activity back to pre-Covid levels in most segments including cruise but claims frequency and cost not yet catching up equally. Claims frequency : Slight upward trend after extraordinary dip in 2020 but still at moderate level.  Total loss frequency : continues to stay at a very low level. Major claims : moderate in the first half year of 2022. Four losses in the USD 10-30 million range were reported in the first half year of 2022, none exceeding USD 30 million.     Claim cos...

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