2012 IUMI Conference, San Diego

The Facts and Figures Committee set the scene on the opening day with the usual overview over the macroeconomic environment and shipping market by Patrizia Kern and the global marine insurance market update by Cefor analyst Astrid Seltmann. In addition committee member Erika Schoch, who on behalf of ALSUM, the new Latin American trade association for marine insurers, informed about the status of the Latin American marine insurance market.

Facts and Figures Committee reports
as presented on Monday 17.09.2012, by F&F Committee chairman Ms. Patrizia Kern and vice-chairman and Cefor analyst Ms. Astrid Seltmann, including additional data tables with marine premiums by country and reported loss ratio triangulations for underwriting years up to 2011.

Patrizia at IUMI 2012

IUMI 2012 - F&F - Global Shipping Market Trends (Patrizia Kern)
Astrid at IUMI 2012
IUMI 2012 - F&F - Global Marine Insurance Report,  (Astrid Seltmann)
Data tables - marine premiums by country
Data tables - loss ratio triangulations
Erika at IUMI 2012
IUMI 2012 - F&F - Marine Insurance in Latin America (Erika Schoch)

Further data updates as released by the Facts and Figures Committee: 
Cargo Fact Sheet 2012 
Energy Fact Sheet 2012 
Hull Fact Sheet 2012

Hull Repair Cost Index - Update 2012
Cargo index (new 2012) & Cargo drivers presentation